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5 Stocking Stuffers That Are Eco-Friendly

Stocking stuffers are usually pretty easy to grab for someone. Isn’t that what the dollar spots were made for? However, now that you’re becoming more environmentally aware, you are probably noticing that a lot of those stocking stuffers look like they’ll be tossed to the side in less than a week. You don’t want to create more waste than is needed, but what can you do? Don’t fret! We’ve got your back! Here are 5 stocking stuffers that are good for the environment:

1. All-Natural Craft Supplies

This is a great idea for kids or the crafty teen/adult in your life! You can get bamboo paintbrushes, all-natural paints, etc. Did you know they even make biodegradable body and craft glitter? Who knew!

2. Safety Razor

One area that people may not think about waste is their shaving routine. But think about all those plastic razors you just toss in the trash after 1 or 2 uses? Even those razors with disposable blades are all made out of plastic. A better alternative is a safety razor. They are made with stainless steel, but sometimes you can find some with a fancy wooden handle. They do have a slight learning curve though so think about who you are gifting this to.

3. Handmade Bath Bombs

Bath bombs are a ton of fun for people of all ages! You can easily make your own by following some DIY’s on Pinterest, or you can purchase premade ones. A lot of them are vegan-friendly, which is better for the environmentally aware person in your life.

4. Stainless Steel Straws with Carrying Container

Some cities have already banned plastic straws, so this would be a great stocking stuffer for those people who live there. And even if you don’t, if you are physically able to use a stainless steel straw (because there are those out there who are unable to use them), this is a great gift option! I have a little zipper bag in my purse with a few stainless steel straws in them that I often use, especially if the place I go only has those cardboard straws (am I the only one who feels that I’m in a race against time to finish my drink before that straw melts away?). Just make sure to get them a nice little case or bag to make it easier to carry them!

5. Reusable Sandwich or Snack Bags

I love these little bags because they come in a few different varieties and a zillion different colors and prints! You have some choices between bags made of medical-grade silicone that have a slider at the top, or some lined fabric bags that usually close by velcro. The green movement has become so popular that I have definitely seen these guys at big box stores like Target and Walmart, but there are a ton of places to purchase them online. We have some in our house and they save us from buying and using so many plastic zip bags! It’s a great gift for the eco-aware person that isn’t seen as much as something like straws. People will love it and there’s much less plastic in the ecosystem. Win-win!

There are a ton of stocking stuffers that are eco-friendly. What are some ways you are turning your stocking stuffers green? Let us know below!


Squeaky Green Team

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