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4 DIY Green Cleaners That Smell Like the Holidays

It’s that time of year, where you’re spending half your time shopping and the other half spent cleaning to prepare for all the guests coming over to celebrate. IF you want to get your home smelling like the holidays and still stay green, you can always DIY some green cleaners. Here are 4 DIY green cleaners that smell like the holidays:

1. Pine Scented Cleaning Vinegar

If you have a real Christmas tree, this one is super sustainable! Get out a clean container to store your cleaner in, such as glass jars or spray bottles. Take some clippings from your tree and fill the container. The more clippings the stronger the scent. If you don’t have a real tree, you could always ask a tree stand if they mind you taking some clippings up off the floor! Fill the container with white distilled vinegar and leave a little room at the top. Put the lid on tightly, store in a cool, dark place, and let it steep for 2-3 weeks. Strain the vinegar and put it in a spray bottle to use. Voila!

2. Liquid Hand Soap

I love this one because it’s super easy to make to your preferences! Make sure you have a liquid soap pump and not foaming. Take your soap jar and add ¾ cup distilled water, ¾ cup liquid castile soap, 1 tbsp vitamin e oil, 1 tbsp of sweet almond oil or jojoba oil, and 5-15 drops of whatever essential oils you would like your soap scented with!

3. Mint Foaming Hand Soap

Make sure you have a foaming hand soap pump for this one, or it won’t work! Add ¼ cup liquid castile soap and 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil (it smells like Christmas AND is a great germ killer!). Give it a good shake and then add 1 cup of water. Give it another good shake and you’re good to wash!

4. Room Spray

This one is also pretty customizable depending on what scent you would like! Get out a spray bottle (your choice on size, plastic/glass), add about 20-30 drops of your essential oil, 1 tbsp of witch hazel, and top it off with distilled water. Your house will be smelling like the holidays in no time! Just make sure to give it a good shake before each use to combine the ingredients.

All of these DIY green cleaner recipes are great because you can make them smell however you want! Peppermint, cinnamon, clove, orange and cinnamon, etc are all very festive scents to choose from. And you can switch them up with the season or your whimsy! What scent combinations do you like during the holiday season? Let us know below!

Happy Holidays!


Your Squeaky Green Team

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